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Effectively prevent periodontitis and treat it gently. The oral flora is a balanced ecosystem. If it becomes imbalanced, oral inflammations such as gingivitis and periodontitis can develop.

But it may not stop there. What happens in the mouth can directly affect the entire body. It can trigger diseases or promote existing ones. People with chronic illnesses such as diabetes mellitus or rheumatism are particularly at risk from undetected oral diseases.

The increased risk of thrombosis can also lead to a stroke or heart attack more quickly, and for pregnant women, it raises the risk of premature birth. That is why we attach significant importance to the early detection and comprehensive treatment of periodontitis in Düsseldorf (Kaiserswerth).

Experts estimate that around 28 million people in Germany are affected by periodontitis. The risk is higher for men than for women. However, very few people are aware of the disease or its possible effects. Especially as it often affects only individual teeth, is usually painless, and the patient typically does not connect the potential effects on the body with the oral cavity. This, in turn, allows the disease to spread unnoticed.

Early detection of periodontitis

We therefore place immense importance on early detection and conduct perio prevention in several stages:

  1. First, we use the simple MMP8 saliva test to analyse the exact inflammation status, bacterial flora, and condition of your gums within a few minutes. All of this is completely painless.
  2. In the next step, the damaged tissue is treated with targeted laser therapy or photothermal therapy. We work both gently and highly effectively.
  3. Long-term protection is then essential: In the Perioshine or Dentcoat® therapy, the surfaces of the teeth are sealed using crystal solutions.
  4. Then it’s up to you: The healing process is supported by your daily dental care at home following the practice therapy.
  5. Aftercare is important: With the simple and quick MMP8 saliva test, we regularly monitor the healing success.

However, the most important factor for early detection is a regular visit to your dentist in Düsseldorf (Kaiserswerth). As your certified Perio Prevention & Therapy Centre, we are the right place for this. You are welcome to schedule an appointment at our practice by calling +49 211 479 0079. You can also make an appointment online.