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Brushing too vigorously, tooth decay, orthodontic treatments, periodontitis, and grinding or clenching can all contribute to gum recession. Many patients feel uncomfortable as a result. Gum recession does not have to be permanent, as it can often be addressed through either non-invasive or invasive methods.

Non-invasive correction

The first step is to identify and address the underlying cause. This can be managed through proper brushing technique (with appropriate pressure and less abrasive implements), treatment for periodontitis, and/or splint therapy.

Next, the gums can be aesthetically enhanced by adjusting the contact points between the teeth. Dentin-adhesive reconstructions based on the methods of Prof. Klaiber and Tarnow deliver immediately visible results.

Dentin-adhesive reconstructions on the tooth necks also contribute to beautiful results.

Lastly, injecting the papillae with hyaluronic acid can provide temporary results.

Invasive correction

In some cases, an aesthetically pleasing result can be achieved by shifting the contact point through proximal enamel reduction and orthodontics.

Thanks to the microsurgical expertise of our specialists, we can employ the finest sutures and tissue-sparing techniques using magnification aids. The ultra-fine sutures ensure optimal blood supply, promoting effective wound healing.

Additionally, we often utilise PRGF, which involves using membranes, defensive cells, and growth hormones from your own blood, along with your own bone, to achieve optimal results. Your own connective tissue can be transplanted to enhance and augment the gums. We also have access to a variety of biological materials, which we can utilise to your benefit.

Black triangles

Tissue loss between the teeth often results in visible black triangles.

Dentin-adhesive reconstructions based on Prof. Klaiber's methods deliver instantly noticeable results. This technique allows for an optical reduction of the triangles by making non-invasive adjustments to the tooth shape and, in many cases, stimulates gum growth by shifting the contact points, as described by Tarnow. This procedure is particularly suitable when teeth appear elongated.

So why be unhappy with your gums? We provide detailed information about gum correction in Düsseldorf (Kaiserswerth). Why not schedule a consultation by calling +49 211.479 0079 or booking online?