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You wake up in the morning feeling far from refreshed, with neck pain or disturbed by sleep disorders and apnoea. Does this sound all too familiar? Just like the constant shoulder problems? Perhaps you sometimes find it difficult to open your mouth, your jaw cracks and you grind your teeth again.

What do the jaw and neck have to do with each other? A lot. If these symptoms apply to you, you could be suffering from what is known as craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD). This may have a negative effect on your entire body.

The system of teeth, jaw joint and masticatory muscles is highly sensitive, very precise and perfectly harmonised. Even the smallest changes can cause headaches, neck pain and the resulting postural problems, and even tinnitus can follow. The same applies to dizziness, earache, visual disturbances and restricted movement in the cervical spine.

The causes of such bite problems are manifold. Previous orthodontic treatment as well as tooth loss or tooth replacement as well as trauma and emotional stress can be causes. Preventing this and treating existing complaints is a top priority for your dentist in Düsseldorf (Kaiserswerth). After all, a functioning jaw is the prerequisite for complete dental health.

Together with you, we find the underlying cause of the issue

After an initial consultation, we manually examine your masticatory muscles, jaw joints and ligaments. During this manual structural analysis, we check whether your masticatory muscles, your "bite" or the temporomandibular joint are responsible for the ailments.

If this is the case, we'll do the cross-check. The diagnosis is confirmed and verified by means of an instrumental functional analysis in Düsseldorf (Kaiserswerth).

We coordinate the subsequent therapy on an individual basis. Physiotherapy can be performed as well as splint therapy, and depending on the diagnosis, we also use medication to relax the muscles and inhibit inflammation. Also a muscle relaxant treatment can also be beneficial in exceptional cases. In any case, therapy protects you from further problems and massively improves your quality of life.

Preserving dental prostheses over an extended period of time

We use state-of-the-art procedures - including computer-aided axiography using CADIAX, DIR or ZEBRIS - to maintain dental prostheses in the long term and respond to the individual tooth position and temporomandibular joint situation. This is particularly necessary in cases of grinding (bruxism) or jaw joint problems. Based on the values determined, the dental prosthesis is customised to your individual needs and anatomy.

In addition to the CADIAX system, we use the ZEBRIS device if required to measure our patients with absolute precision before prosthetic rehabilitation. Three cameras precisely measure the functional movements. Prosthetics, be it a crown or a dental prosthesis, are based on these results.

Would you like further advice on CMD in Düsseldorf (Kaiserswerth)? We will be happy to advise you in detail. Schedule an appointment at our practice online or by calling +49 211 479 0079.