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Bad breath - also known as halitosis - is widespread and very unpleasant. People with bad breath often suffer greatly and feel uncomfortable and shunned. Your dentist in Düsseldorf (Kaiserswerth) wants to help you and look for causes in order to combat it effectively and permanently.

Firstly, an internal medical examination is carried out for possible stomach diseases. Many forms of periodontitis also cause bad breath and must also be treated. This is always done with a bacteriological microbial analysis, which is a painless procedure for the targeted antibiotic treatment of all types of germs.

Then special lasers are used, which are able to further decimate these germs. A general disinfection of the oral cavity by staining the bacteria and then destroying them using surface lasers has an excellent effect on bad breath.

Do you have further questions about treatment for bad breath in Düsseldorf (Kaiserswerth)? Make an appointment at our practice. You can reach us online or at +49 211.479 0079.