Dental Specialists at the 18th Annual Conference of the DGKZ in Hamburg
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Wie versprochen halten wir Sie immer auf dem Laufenden, was unsere Praxis in Düsseldorf betrifft! We therefore do not want to keep the following from you: The year 2022 started with good news for our practice founder, Dr Martin Jörgens, and thus for us as a proud practice team. On January 1, 2022, he assumed the role of President of the Society for Cosmetic Dentistry Association (DGKZ), which was founded in 2003. As a co-founder and board member of the DGKZ, he has been dedicated to his work since the association's inception and has chaired all the previous annual conferences.
In addition to his new official attire, Dr Jörgens also took on the task of chairing the 18th DGKZ Annual Conference this year. With extensive relevant expertise, dedication, confidence, and passion for his field, he chaired the event, just as he has done in previous years. It’s no surprise, as since his doctorate in dentistry in 1990, his daily work has centred around one particular topic: Dental aesthetics.
This year's DGKZ annual conference in Hamburg was an incredibly special event. Three major events took place: the expert symposium "Innovations in Implantology," the German Prevention Congress organised by the DGPZM, and the previously mentioned annual conference of the DGKZ. The combination of these prestigious events brings significant added value to everyday practice. Why? "Dental training must be driven forward efficiently," says Dr Jörgens. "We concentrate on the treatment and discussion of engaging and current topics, led by top-class speakers."
At this year's major DGKZ event, participants covered three key topics: Implantology, aesthetics, and prevention.
As mentioned in the introduction, Dr Jörgens moderated the dental aesthetics segment of the event. The main theme of the event, featuring both scientific and practical contributions, was "Red and White Aesthetics: Options and Standards." One of the highlights was undoubtedly the highly interesting and informative expert talk on "Soft Tissue Management in Aesthetic Dentistry" - a discussion involving top-class specialists from the relevant fields. We would like to particularly highlight one of the speakers: It was none other than our colleague from Dental Specialists, Dr Christof Frey!
Dr Christof Frey M.Sc., one of the leading dentists specialising in periodontology, delivered one of the three compelling insights during this expert panel. In a lecture on "Surgical Soft Tissue Management Around Teeth and Implants – Dos and Don’ts," our esteemed colleague discussed common mistakes in the management of soft tissues around teeth and implants and provided guidance on how to perform these procedures correctly. What better way to illustrate this than with a real case? Dr Frey explained the concepts practically by using a highly engaging case study. The aim of using the example was, of course, to learn from past mistakes. The critical examination enabled him to outline a detailed description of an optimal procedure - insights that will be highly valuable, particularly for other practitioners and interested parties.
Are you intrigued? Or would you like to watch the expert talk again in full? If so, please follow the link below:
You can find our colleague, Dr Frey, in the video from 01:09:48.